Happy Children´s Day

There are many things that can make you happy but the best thing is a child’s smile. We at HAHN Group develop forward-looking technologies and would like to inspire even children to discover those and shape them in the future.

Our trainees have crafted something –  learn more in this video. We will be happy to send you the template on request. Please send an e-mail to communications@hahn.group. Happy International Children’s Day!

Art Contest for International Children’s Day

This year, the HAHN Group organized its first international art and painting competition. Children all over the world were invited to submit their individually crafted masterpieces. We received lots of pictures of ideas that fall under the topic: “Products and Technologies of the Future.” The aim of the competition was to focus on the talent and creativity of children and young artists. All HAHN Group employees were invited to spread awareness of the contest to the children around them. Regardless of their relation to them: children or grandchildren, relatives or family friends. With their contribution, the participating children could also look forward to a family adventure sponsored by the HAHN Group. “It is important to us to get children and young people excited about technological topics and professions at an early age,” explains Daniela Mertens, Director of People and Culture. “Of course, we are also interested in how the developers and designers of tomorrow imagine the future.” We received all kinds of works of art in the form of drawings, paintings or handicrafts. We have already shared the works of art on the HAHN Group social media channels. Now we also present a small selection of the submissions in our picture gallery.

Robots as accelerators of inclusion: How technology can enable people with disabilities for more participation

Gütersloh, Germany – The use of the latest robot technology enables people with disabilities for more participation in working life: That is the goal of a joint project between wertkreis Gütersloh gGmbH, Rethink Robotics GmbH and the University of Duisburg-Essen. For the start of the project, Rethink Robotics handed over two Sawyer cobots to the vocational training department of the wertkreis Gütersloh and the chair for manufacturing technology at the University of Duisburg-Essen.

The two collaborative robots (cobots) form the basis for the joint work in the area of “Inclusion 4.0 with collaborative systems”. The use of robot technology and cobots is intended to open up better opportunities for people with disabilities in inclusion, education and participation by means of adapted work processes and new types of applications.

The cobots’ areas of application include the implementation of quality controls directly at the assembly workstation as well as the automated processing of production peaks. The aim of the cooperation is to develop systems that enable people with disabilities or people without the ability to express themselves to carry out complex work assignments independently. A prerequisite for using these systems is that they must be easy to program. Cobot Sawyer fulfills these requirements with its intuitive operation and programming as well as its flexibility in use and friendly design.

“The areas of application for collaborative robotics are very diverse,” explains Daniel Bunse, CEO of Rethink Robotics. “Cobots can take on supporting activities in the company that are repeated very often. The cobot thus assists people in the workflow and relieves them physically. ”

Michael Buschsieweke, managing director of wertkreis Gütersloh gGmbH explains: “Exactly such digital forms of assistance are a future model for people with handicaps. Ideally, at some point they will be as natural as sight and walking aids. Simply a tool that enables people to participate in the labor market. We are pleased that with the Sawyer cobots we can introduce these techniques even better and strengthen competence and self-confidence in the context of use. ”

“Using workshops for people with disabilities as incubators for new systems is an approach with which we have had good experiences in the past,” says Holger Dander, project manager at the Department of Manufacturing Technology at the University of Duisburg-Essen. “In this environment, the focus must be placed on the human being so that the human-machine interaction works. Solutions that have proven themselves here can then be quickly and easily transferred to other areas of the working world.”

The Gütersloh social service provider wertkreis has been committed to a paradigm shift in dealing with digital assistance technology in integration assistance for several years. For the development of the DIAZ system, the East Westphalian inclusion specialists were nominated for the inclusion award of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia this year.

The scientists at the Department of Manufacturing Technology at the University of Duisburg-Essen have been working for several years on the question of how collaborative robotics can be integrated into work processes. In 2018 they were awarded the inclusion price of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

DFT Maschinenbau GmbH distinguished as exemplary training company

The Upper Austria Economic Chamber awarded DFT Maschinenbau GmbH in November 2019 with the title of exemplary training company.

The criteria for this award include the high commitment in the apprentice training, the responsible support of career development and the high quality of training in the company.

Wolfgang Überwimmer, Managing Director of DFT Maschinenbau GmbH is very excited about this distinction. He explains the advantages of the vocational training programs offered by DFT: “The realistic and professionally well-founded vocational training is the perfect start for a future career. Our apprentices have the opportunity to further their education in future technologies such as robotics and programming. With good academic achievements, there is also the possibility to add the option for a general qualification for university entrance after the second year of training.”

DFT Maschinenbau GmbH provides vocational training in the fields of mechatronics, design, metal technology and electrical technology. Within young applicants, the company makes sure that they have an interest and talent for technology. Creativity and dexterity, as well as logical and spatial thinking are required in this field, depending on the tasks.

With the offer of try-out-days, DFT allows interested parties to take a noncommittal look into the daily routine of the engineering company. The participants experience a dynamic and success-oriented team that is passionate about their work, which is also a good foundation for a successful education.

Find out more about the vocational training at DFT Maschinenbau GmbH: www.dft.at/english/training.html